Grenoble Museum
Giorgio VASARI 'Family of Saints' c1541-47
Laurent de LA HYRE 'Supper at Emmaus' 1656
Okay, there's more I snapped at Musee de Grenoble from Renaissance through to 19th century I can post another time. From the past 100 or so years...
If you thought 'Picasso' you were fooled like I was. In fact, it is Karl HOFER 'Portrait of Alfred Flechtheim' 1922. How wonderful! Here is a real work by Picasso:

Yes, I think it's that Vasari - bitchy writer of 'Lives of the artists'. In the collection there are two pieces illustrating the supper Christ ate at Emmaus, a particular focus:

Mathias STOMER 'Supper at Emmaus' c1600-1650
Mathias STOMER 'Supper at Emmaus' c1600-1650
Okay, there's more I snapped at Musee de Grenoble from Renaissance through to 19th century I can post another time. From the past 100 or so years...
Pablo PICASSO 'Woman Reading' 1920
and another, later in his career:

Pablo PICASSO 'Musketeer & child' 1972
There are one or two paintings in the museum by several other 'megastar' oil painters of the last century:
Henri MATISSE 'Interior with Aubergines' 1911

and another, later in his career:
Pablo PICASSO 'Musketeer & child' 1972
There are one or two paintings in the museum by several other 'megastar' oil painters of the last century:
Francois DUFRENE 'Nabis-bis'
( translation: Dark-twice [?] ) 1960
( translation: Dark-twice [?] ) 1960
Jean DUBUFFET Passe Flux (L 50) 1984
I can't help but think of Scottish-born, long-term Australian resident artist Ian Fairweather when I see these pictures. The second painting here, by Dubuffet, also evokes work by Australian Indigenous painters like Emily Kame Kngwarreye
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