Musée d'Orsay - fifth post
I'm still uploading images from the wonderful five hours I spent in this old railway station!
Just one work I want to show you on this entry:

Bonnard is as Bonnard does. I cannot help though but think of some pictures by Brett Whiteley when I see this. His tamer, less drug-influenced / mentally ill work, that is!
It is at the same time idyllic and sinister. Who is facing towards the children and their pets in the boat? The child closest to the viewer has a passive facial expression hidden in darkness. The two children behind her are a little more anxious. Are their pets doomed? Is the weather about to turn?
Only the ducks are relaxed - they approach the boat even.
Well, they are in their element.
Just one work I want to show you on this entry:
Bonnard is as Bonnard does. I cannot help though but think of some pictures by Brett Whiteley when I see this. His tamer, less drug-influenced / mentally ill work, that is!
les enfants et animaux
It is at the same time idyllic and sinister. Who is facing towards the children and their pets in the boat? The child closest to the viewer has a passive facial expression hidden in darkness. The two children behind her are a little more anxious. Are their pets doomed? Is the weather about to turn?
Only the ducks are relaxed - they approach the boat even.
Well, they are in their element.
les canards
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