The sacred feminine interpreted and represented in the Louvre by
I.M. Pei ... according to
Dan Brown at least!

(possibly) Hyakinthos - blurry - circa 520-480 B.C.

Bird-goddess - at rest - circa 480 B.C.

Bird-goddess again

Seated woman - originating from Attica region(?) - late 5th / early 4th century B.C.

Aphrodite riding on the back of a goose - circa 500-475 B.C.


Aphrodite - from a frieze dated back to 350 years B.C.

Isis-Aphrodite - still beautiful, fertile - and with traces of colour after 2300 years!

Isis-Aphrodite from her right side

The benign face of the Goddess dares you to shoot a sharp picture of her

Sphinx, side-on (slightly blurred), 3rd century B.C.

Sphinx, front-on, 3rd century B.C.

Siren, 3rd century B.C.

Siren, 3rd century B.C. front-on (fooling the autofocus with her beauty)

Winged Victory

Winged Victory statuette, Roman, circa 150 - 100 B.C.

Detail - Winged Victory statuette, Roman, circa 150 - 100 B.C.

Slartibarfast silhouetted with the goddess Aphrodite... exquisite detail of her garment.. so realistic.. an ancient breeze still puffs out the folds of the toga/dress.

Fabulous hair too...

Aphrodite - again her magical power keeps colour intact after two millenia! A wonderful, elegant pose. In its original location, I wonder what balanced her to stay upright?
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