My name's not important

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Monday, January 22, 2007

Musée Rodin II - 'Meditation' enigma & collected painters

'Meditation' 1894

This sculpture could be Rodin's Venus de Milo, or maybe his sculpted Mona Lisa - or perhaps even both. I get the feeling this shape mattered more to Rodin personally than his Thinker or any other work he might be more famous for. Read more on the above hyperlink from Musée Rodin, also in the image below, which you can click on to enlarge:

Loni sketched her from this angle

The work is sometimes also known as The Inner Voice. Here's two more snapped from other angles:
Some paintings collected by Rodin, or acquired by the museum after his death:

Edvard MUNCH 'Rodin's "The Thinker" in the garden of Dr Linde in Lubeck' (undated)

Vincent VAN GOGH 'View of the viaduct near Arles' 1888

Vincent VAN GOGH 'The Harvesters' 1888

Some more detailed images of 'The Harvesters':

You can also see the famous van Gogh, Father Tanguy, here at the Rodin website.

Lastly, two snapshots of a Monet that was guarded under thick greenish glass. The island in Brittany where this was painted was, for many years, home to a little-known Australian painter, John Peter Russell. The house where he lived on the island was frequently visited by both Monet and Henri Matisse.

Claude MONET 'Belle-Ile' 1886


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